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Flourish Kinder provides a Wholesome and Holistic Kindergarten Rhythm, dedicated to the learning, wellness and joy of your Little One.


Nestled amongst a beautiful nature reserve in the Gold Coast hinterland, the boutique setting of Flourish Kinder is your home away from home..


Book A Visit

If your child is under 2.5 years old please click on the WAITLIST button & complete the form.

Our Children are the heart of our Centre. A Home-Away-from-Home environment has been lovin


Our Children are the heart of our Centre. A Home-Away-from-Home environment has been lovingly and consciously created to surround our children with beauty, truth, and goodness in every element of their day. "To educate the whole child, his heart and his will must be reached as well as the mind"

Rudolf Steiner



Our Big, Natural Backyard is full of Trees and plants to attract Birds, Bees, Butterflies and Fairies. It offers so much space for our children to run, climb, explore, imagine and create magical play experiences every day. Our Flourish Children get hands-on caring for our Animals and tending to the produce grown in our Greenhouse Garden.



Creative free play is globally recognised as the most important way a child explores and learns to understand their world. We actively Nurture the Innocence, Creativity, Wonder and Free Thinking in our children through activities such as arts, song, dance, role play, spontaneous play, cooking, hand-crafts and storytelling.



At Flourish we are passionate about creating a Toxin-Free Space of health and harmony for our children. We focus on providing the children with resources which are either made from natural materials, recycled or second hand, protecting Mother Earth. We ensure that any hand soaps, cleaning products, etc are non-toxic.



The Children are guided through a gentle and reassuring ebb and flow of consistent Rhythm. This helps the children to move through their day feeling Safe and Nurtured, assisting them to trust in their world and confidence in themselves.



Our Rituals serve as a time for us to show Gratitude, Reverence, Love and Respect for our World, it’s animals and People within it. Our rituals come in the form of songs of thanks before meals, through Storytelling, our Morning Circle, Seasonal Celebrations and through our acknowledgement and respect of “First Australians”

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